Occam’s Razor -The Simplest Answer is the Correct Answer

William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), Medieval philosopher

The term, “Occam’s Razor” ( or Ockham’s Razor) refers to distinguishing between two hypotheses, either by “shaving away” unnecessary assumptions or cutting apart two similar conclusions.

Ockham did not invent this principle, but the “razor”—and its association with him—may be due to the frequency and effectiveness with which he used it. Occam stated the principle in various ways, but the most popular version is  “The simplest answer is the correct answer”

The razor’s statement is basically:  “Other things being equal, simpler explanations are generally better than more complex ones.”

This information on Occam’s Razor is derived from : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam’s_razor#William_of_Ockham